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Attaining your desirce - The secret session I knelt on the grave, the home of the body of Barnum, the world's most famous marketing genius, and I placed my hands on his tombstone. I suddenly felt an electric current drift into my body, a soft and subtle energy that entered my being as I knelt and held on to Barnum's marker.

It was a moment I will never forget.

Call it my imagination. Call it madness. I prefer to call it a bonding of souls, for in those cherished moments on that sunny day in Bridgeport, I felt like I was inhaling the essence of the man I was to write about. I soaked in his spirit, his entrepreneurial mind, his business ingenuity, his marketing bravado, and when I felt full and complete. I dropped my hands and stood over the grave.

"We can go now." I told my friend, "I have a book to write."

You might think that it's just crazy, but it all started to make sense.

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